MUSE is dedicated to the advancement of undersea mechanics through leadership, education, and partnerships.
MUSE is dedicated to the advancement of undersea mechanics through leadership, education, and partnerships.
Building on the School of Engineering’s distinction in the field of applied mechanics, supported by a growing interest from government labs to establish more collaborative research and educational pathways with Brown University, the Mechanics of Undersea Science and Engineering (MUSE) research center was founded to serve as leaders in the research and advancement in the field of undersea mechanics.
What is Undersea Mechanics?
Undersea mechanics is the interdisciplinary study involving the mechanical behavior of man-made and organic objects in an undersea environment. This broad area of research includes many disciplines such as biology, engineering, mathematics, physics, technology, and more.
Our Vision
Our vision is to carry out focused, foundational research targeting the technical challenges in undersea mechanics for the U.S. Navy and beyond.
Foundational Pillars
MUSE rests on three foundational pillars – leadership, education, and partnerships:
- Leading the research and solutions to technical challenges in undersea mechanics, specifically undersea vehicles and platforms.
- Educating and empowering new and diverse generations of scientists and engineers.
- Partnering with internal and external entities including the Naval Research and Development ecosystem, Rhode Island, and other departments at Brown University.
These foundational pillars will strengthen established relationships with our current partners such as the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) located in Newport, RI, and provide opportunities for other universities, national laboratories, and industry affiliates to collaborate and benefit from our ongoing research.
Our Research
Research Themes
The research center surrounds three overarching themes:
- Materials and structures under extreme environments
- Advanced physics-based and data-driven modeling and simulation
- Bio-inspired science and engineering
Visit our research page to learn more about our current projects.
Find your MUSE
We’d love to help you to find your MUSE. Reach out to findyourmuse@brown.edu to learn more about our center or opportunities to become involved in the advancement of undersea mechanics.