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A Flexible Approach to Water Entry
A simple harmonic oscillator strikes an air-water interface. Image from winning poster entry to 2023 Gallery of Fluid Motion. Work by John Antolik, PhD Student.
When a blunt body impacts an air–water interface, large hydrodynamic forces often arise, a phenomenon many of us have unfortunately experienced in a failed dive or ‘belly flop.’ Beyond assessing risk to biological divers, an understanding and methods for remediation of such slamming forces are critical to the design of numerous engineered naval and aerospace structures. While the impactor’s geometry has been a subject of significant focus, the role of intrinsic flexibility of the impactor has received significantly less attention. The research uses a combination of experimental and theoretical methods to study the impact of compliant structures at an air-water interface.
R. Hunt, Z. Zhao, E. Silver, J. Yan, Y. Bazilevs, and D. M. Harris. Drag on a partially immersed sphere at the capillary scale. Physical Review Fluids. 2023; 8(8) : 084003. Drag on a partially immersed sphere at the capillary scale.
J. T. Antolik, J. L. Belden, N. B. Speirs, and D. M. Harris. Slamming forces during water entry of a simple harmonic oscillator. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2023; 974 : A23. https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2023.820